Day #3291 (Wed., Jan. 9, 2019) – Bobby Back To School

The photo to the right shows the “Snakes & Ladders Game” that Bobby and I made the other day.

I dropped Bobby off at preschool this morning. He was uncharactaristically shy and bashful. It does happen, but I’m not sure why. This evening I asked him about it and he said that he didn’t want anyone to smack him in the face. I asked him who smacked him in the face before and he said that he didn’t want anyone to smack him in the face. I asked him who smacked him in the face before and he said nobody…

I drove my car to Lloyd’s to get new two front tires and the inspection done. While I waited I walked over to Foster’s market and had a breakfast egg biscuit and a cup of coffee. David, one of the guys at the counter, used to trade stocks and I guess he was quite successful. I’m not sure why he left?

Maple got up on the counter this evening and knocked a tray of meatballs off the counter. She smelled real bad so my wife gave her a shower this evening.

Katie went roller skating today. A bit of a field trip at Glenwood.