Day #3298 (Wed., Jan. 16, 2019) – Peaches Not Pears
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I dropped Bobby off at school this morning. While we were walking into the school Mary took great delight in telling us that they had heard from Luca and he would be coming to school on Friday. Mary said that he was asking about Bobby. Bobby will be happy to see him as well.
Bobby was rather clingy today and wanted to hold my hand while I walked him into the classroom. The teacher showed him some “play snow” that they have purchased somewhere and he seemed fascinated with that. Fascination enough that he let me go.
When I picked Bobby up at noon he showed me the “sandpaper art” that he did in school today (see photo to the left).
Bobby didn’t seem to be very hungry for lunch. In fact, he told me as much. When I gave him a spoonful of yogurt he ate it, then looked into my eyes and said: “Didn’t I tell you that I wasn’t hungry”. Well, he kept on eating…
Sometimes I tell the family that we should pack it all in and move to Wyoming and live on a ranch. Katie is all over this. She wants to have a horse and today even said that she would name it “Autumn”.
The kids love the jars of peaches that we get from Trader Joe’s. Peaches, not the pears, mind you.