Day #3299 (Thu., Jan. 17, 2019) – Happy Meal Pig

The plan was to take Bobby to Flyleaf Books for storytime but he was having nothing of it. He did want to go to the park, but it was hard to get him out the door. In the end we just stayed at home and played. He was content with that. He did pop his head outside to pick a package up off the doorstep, but that was about it. We found time to make a “pig” out of the Happy Meal box he got the other day on Daddy/Son Day (see photo to the right).

Bobby had no breakfast and very little yogurt for lunch. He wanted to go to bed and I was happy to take him. Well, once he got into his bedroom he was playing and talking and would not fall asleep. After about an hour I asked him if he was sleepy and he said no. I asked him if he was hungry and he said yes, so back to the living room for more yogurt we went.

We were soon back into the bedroom for nap time. More talking, more playing, and then “nothing”. He fell asleep without so much as a moment’s notice.

Katie seems to spend a lot of time doing homework. I asked my wife about this. Instead of having too much to do, the issue seems to be that he doesn’t apply herself and get it done. It’s a good lesson for her. She will hopefully realize that she can procrastinate, but she will still need to do the homework in the end. Better to just go ahead and get it done as quickly as you can.