Day #3305 (Wed., Jan. 23, 2019) – Mattie Throws Up
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The sign to the right is kind of interesting… Trader Joe’s highlighting some of the “hot food” they offer…
My wife dropped Bobby off at school this morning and I picked him up afterwards. As soon as saw me he told me that he wanted to go play behind the school. The teacher laughed and said can’t you even say hi to your dad first.
Katie said that Mattie threw up in class today. I guess she has been sick, and this certainly proves it.
Ginger has been coming back to our place as of late. I’m not sure where she has been the last week or so, but it’s kind of nice to have her back. Even though she stays outside, and sleeps on the bench in front of our house, she helps burn off some of Maple’s restless energy.
To get the two dogs going I will usually yell “Na Na Na Na Na” and throw a tennis ball out the front door. I’m not sure if it’s because Ginger is getting old, or there is something wrong with her legs, but Maple always gets there first. If Maple gets there then Ginger pretends that she is not interested in the ball (although it seems that the tennis ball is the only thing she thinks about all day). If Ginger happens to get it then Maple will grab Ginger by the collar and drag her about the yard, with Ginger growling at her. Either way, it has the effect of tiring Maple out, and she is less needy in terms of playing and attention from the rest of us.
In order to be more “environmentally conscious,” my wife has purchased some metal straws from Amazon. I remember the days when I was a kid and they had paper straws. I remember because it was always hard to separate the end of the straw once it got wet with your lips. I would usually end up just ripping off a piece of the end.
Bobby continues to be rather rough with Maple. Maple seems to realize that he is “part of the family” and tolerates it for the most part. When Bobby was younger we told him that Maple would be bigger than him one day. Well, that day has arrived.