Day #3311 (Tue., Jan. 29, 2019) – Winter According To Humphrey
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Both Katie and Bobby are home today. Bobby has no school on Tuesday and Katie is sick. My wife went to work.
Katie loves to read. She told me on the last Daddy/Daughter Day that she will read most anything. The photo to the right shows a book that she loves… “Winter According To Humphrey”.
Bobby is back into eating “cheese in a blanket” these days. He got into the chocolate. He was playing with the thermometer and put it on my computer desk for safe keeping afterwards. When my wife asked him where it was, he told her. She’s impressed at how good his memory is.
My wife took Katie to piano class this evening. Bobby took a bath while they were away…one of his favorite activities.
I had to go to Trader Joe’s this evening as it might be froze over tomorrow. Need to make sure we have supplies just in case we can’t get out for a while. I got some organic “suckers” for the kids At Trader Joe’s. Bobby especially seems to love suckers.