Day #3314 (Fri., Feb. 1, 2019) – “Chomps” Market
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They had a “Chomps” market at Katie’s school today. This is the day where they buy and sell “Chomps”…the little reward they get for good efforts at school.
I dropped Bobby off at school this morning. It’s easy to get him ready for school on Friday’s as it’s the day in which his class joins together with Luca’s class. Luca is his best friend. There were a lot of police cars in the parking lot. The teachers told me that the police rent out a room in the building for meetings. You can see his art in the photo to the right.
Bobby was very fussy when I picked him up after school. He wanted to play in the back yard with Luca, but his parents had to take him home. We’ll have to organize a playdate with Luca.