Day #3318 (Tue., Feb. 5, 2019) – State Of The Union
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The photo to the right shows one of Katie’s books, which pretty much states her ideal future vocation, “I Want To Be A Zookeeper”.
Bobby was up at 5 am this morning complaining that he was hungry. I took him to the living room and fed him some yogurt while he watched PJ Masks on YouTube. He had his police helmet on with a gun in one had and the View Master in the other hand. All this activity woke Maple up so I let her outside for a #1. Bobby was ready to go back to bed in about 30 minutes.
Bobby would not take a nap today. It looks like the days of him taking naps is past us now. When I usually put him to bed he was not tired, so I let him have a bath and even when his mom got home he was not tired.
Katie’s piano class was tonight. When she got back it was pretty well time for both kids to go to bed.
Donald Trump’s “State of the Union” address was on television tonight.