Day #3324 (Mon., Feb. 11, 2019) – Magic Hat Shop Auditions

My wife took Bobby to school this morning and I picked him up.  Frankie went to play with him in the play area behind the school.  Frankie had a Red Power Ranger and Bobby was upset that he didn’t have his Black Power Ranger.  Amy, Frankie’s mom, offered to go to the car to get it, but she could not find it.  I found a figure in Bobby’s backpack that was about the same size, but when Frankie said it wasn’t a Power Ranger Bobby flew into a fit.  A fit that nothing would seem to console.  He was upset when Frankie and his mom left and he was upset all the way home.  He wore himself out, and did have a nap today.

I did some investigating and saw that the Black Power Ranger set has come down in price.  It was $20 but is now on Amazon for $10.99.  There were only two left, so we ordered both of them.  We will keep one pack as a “safety” in case Bobby loses the other ones.

I took Katie to dance class this afternoon.  As we were leaving she had me take a picture and send it to my wife.  It said “Magic Hat Shot Auditions” (see photo to the right).  Alas, we don’t have the money for it right now.