Day #3326 (Wed., Feb. 13, 2019) – Black Power Ranger Returns
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I dropped Bobby off at preschool this morning with some Valentines (to give to the teacher) and his new lunch box (for lunch brunch). You can see the new lunch box in the photo to the left. He was eager to go to school today as Frankie will be there and Amy, Frankie’s mom, promised to bring the Black Power Ranger that Bobby enjoyed so much.
At school, Bobby didn’t seem to want to play but spent most of the time looking out the hallway to see if Frankie was coming. Eventually, he came and Bobby let out a loud yell “Frankie, over here”! He sure enjoys having Frankie around.
Katie showed her story to Miss Fleming today. My wife and I were impressed that she took such an initiative to do this.
I was having a nap this evening when Bobby started to cry and cry. I woke up and went to see what all the commotion was about. Apparently, he wanted to come into the bedroom to watch television. My wife said that he couldn’t as I was napping and even offered to put his show on the television in the living room. Well, he wanted his way and started to cry and would not give it. It was a long time, with a couple of 123’s and taking him to his bedroom to calm him down. We are not going to give into this demanding behavior.
My wife is thinking of taking a Chinese class this fall at UNC so that she can better help Katie. It’s free if you work there and you can take time off work. Great deal I would say.