Day #3334 (Thu., Feb. 21, 2019) – Getting Gravel

I took Bobby with me to get some gravel this morning.  The potholes in our driveway have been getting deeper and deeper and it’s been about 5 years since I filled them in last.  It’s been way back on my “ToDo” list with my bad knees the past few years.

It was raining when we got home.  So much so that we decided to go to Chick-Fil-A rather than spread the gravel into the potholes.  Oh well, at least with all the water in the potholes we will know where the gravel needs to go now.

Bobby loved Chick-Fil-A.  As it was raining it was nice for him to have a nice warm and dry place to burn off that restless energy.  There was an older boy, about eight years old, so he loved it.  I got him an ice cream and some fries and nuggets, but he only seemed interested in the ice cream.  As a result, I finished off the rest of the food.  Well, I should have saved it because he was asking for it on the drive home.

This afternoon I went back to the gravel depot to get another round of gravel.  This second round filled up all the potholes…job done.

Katie told me that they are having “show & tell” tomorrow.  I suggested that she take the plush otter that Maple loves so much.  She could show it to the class and tell them that Maple loves to chew the nose off of it.