Day #3335 (Fri., Feb. 22, 2019) – Katie Show & Tell
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I dropped Bobby off at preschool this morning. He wanted to bring his Power Rangers inside, but I told him that Mary does not allow kids to bring their toys to school. Besides, I said, we want to see Frankie’s face when we give him the Blue Power Ranger.
When I picked Bobby up after school we both went to the car to get his Power Rangers. He took the blue one, which he left on his seat when I dropped him off at preschool this morning, and ran up to Frankie and gave it to him. Amy, Frankie’s mom, told me that he didn’t have a Blue Power Ranger, so he was happy to receive it as well as Bobby was happy to give it to him.
As we were driving home I told Bobby that when people do good things good things happen to them. I then mentioned that I have a “Special Present” for Bobby awaiting for him at home. He pestered me to find out what it was, but I told him that he would have to wait.
While Bobby snuggled into the LazyBoy to watch Birdman (a cartoon that daddy used to watch when he was a boy), I gave him his “Special Present”. What was it? Another Black and Blue Power Ranger Set. He was very excited…now he has three Black Power Rangers and one Blue Power Ranger. He took them all to bed with him for a nap after finishing his yogurt.
This afternoon I drove to WalMart in Hillsborough, then to the WalMart in Durham, looking for the purple robot “transformer” type “thingy” that Amy bought Frankie and Bobby liked so much (see photo to the right). They were sold out. I will have to keep my eyes open and check back at WalMart every so often. I would like to get one for Bobby’s birthday, but I did get a Transformer that goes from robot to truck…I’m sure that he will love that!
This evening Katie told me that she told the kids about the story she is creating for “Show & Tell”. I guess it went well. I told her how lucky she is that they are teaching kids at her age on how to get up in front of their classmates and talk. This is a skill that will benefit her so much when she gets older.