Day #243 (Fri., Sept. 3, 2010) – Outstretched Arms
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4:08am – “A haaaaa” from the nursery. Is she up or is she not? That is the question of the moment.

Little Katie is getting stronger and stronger in the legs. When I lift her up now she can almost stand up by herself. She has this little smile of achievement on her face, and of course we praise her for this effort.
The photo to the right shows little Katie trying to get some traction for her “fast as I can go” sprint around the Activity Station. It’s much harder to get a grip when she has socks on.
7:07pm – Little Katie was playing in the Activity Station when my wife walked by. She held her arms outstretched so that my wife could pick her up. This is the first time we saw her do that. She usually tosses her arms about in an attempt to show she can play patty-cake.
Little Katie was able to grab ahold of a pack of papers on the table near the Activity Station and they all came tumbling down. We have to make sure that everything she is not supposed to touch is out of her reach these days.
1) Little Katie held her arms outstretched so that my wife could pick her up this evening.