Day #3336 (Sat., Feb. 23, 2019) – Zoe’s Birthday Party
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It’s been raining so much as of late the little creek behind our house is really getting deep (see photo to the left).
Nothing was planned for most of the day, but Katie did have Zoe’s birthday party this afternoon. In order to go, my wife dictated that she had to finish her homework. She did, so off she went…
My wife took Bobby along for the ride and LaDonna, Zoe’s mom, asked her if she wanted to leave Bobby. Sure… Rory, LaDonna’s oldest son, loves to take care of Bobby. The added benefit is that my wife got a free afternoon to clean up, etc.
I went to Trader Joe’s this evening to pick up groceries, then over to pick the kids up at LaDonna’s house. Katie was fine with leaving, but alas, Bobby put up a bit of a fuss. He stomped his feet, hit me, and said that he hated me. All in a day’s work when it comes to picking up Bobby at an activity he likes I’m afraid.
On the way home I lectured Bobby on how to be appreciative of what you have. He wasn’t even supposed to stay at the party as it was Zoe, Katie’s friend’s birthday. He was still fussy when we got home so my wife gave him a talking to as well. It’s going to be a bit of a challenge to bring him in line…