Day #3337 (Sun., Feb. 24, 2019) – Chinese New Year Festival
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Bobby figured out where the key to the bedroom is. He put a stool up to the bookcase and got it and unlocked the bedroom door and helped himself in. He wanted to watch television, but I was not about to award this behavior. I “shooed” him back to the living room to play with Katie.
There was a Chinese New Year Celebration in downtown Chapel Hill today. The kids got a picture with a panda (see photo to the right). Katie was singing with the rest of her Glenwood class so we went as a family to see it. We took two cars, Bobby with me, and Katie with my wife. We parked in the parking lot off Rosemary street. As it is Sunday, parking is free.
We sat next to LaDonna and her family. Bobby was happy to sit next to Rory and they played quite a bit. When Katie came up on the stage Bobby yelled hi to her. Katie heard him and waved back.
When Katie’s singing portion was over I drove Bobby home for lunch and his nap, which was not to be. The idea was that after his nap I would take him back to the Festival, but he never did nap. I gave him a bath and he still was not tired. Soon my wife was home with Katie and she tried to put him to bed for a nap, to no avail.
Fast forward to the evening and we were thinking that Bobby would be in bed by 8 pm. Ha! He still would not go to bed. Where is he getting all this extra energy? In the end, my wife excused herself and went to the bathroom. It was then, with nobody to talk or sing to, that Bobby got bored and dropped off to sleep…around 9:30 pm.