Day #3358 (Sun., Mar. 17, 2019) – Jui-Lan’s Furniture

I had a Daddy/Daughter Day with Katie this afternoon. We went to the Dollar Store where she picked out a stapler, then to McDonald’s for a Happy Meal and some “Old Maid” cards. Katie said that the highlight of the day was what we did next…go to Fearrington Village to see the baby goat that was born last week (see photo to the right). On the way back home we got a couple of strawberry shortcake ice cream sandwiches at the garage.

This evening we went over to Jui-Lan’s house to see their furniture and other things that they cannot take to Westchester with them when they move. We pretty well took everything that they offered to give us. We will certainly benefit from the furniture for sure. Our Lazy Boy needs to be put into RIP mode. Mike gave me a couple of tripods, usually for 35mm cameras, but I can get an adapter for them and use them on my cell phone.

They gave Katie a bag of marbles. I plan on showing the kids the marbles game that we used to play as kids.

Bobby drove his bike over to Mike & Jui-Lan’s house. On the way back I showed him how he could stop the bike by pedaling backwards.