Day #3371 (Sat., Mar. 30, 2019) – 3rd Time A Charm
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Well, we’re back into the bike shopping again today. I thought I would take Katie’s bike out to the Walmart in Hillsborough as the guy who assembled it works on the weekends. I thought that maybe I could get him to change the brakes from one one of the Mischief bikes that they sell to replace the one that is broke on Katie’s Sweetheart bike. Well, low and behold, no sign of the guy, but they did have one Sweetheart bike available (see photo to the right). So, I replaced the broken one with this one. Let’s see how this goes. This will be Katie’s third Sweetheart bike. Is 3rd time a charm?
I put the bell that Katie got at Walmart yesterday on her new bike this afternoon.
I’m not sure what the deal is with Maple, but she loves my wife’s underwear. She will grab it and rip it to shreads. We cannot afford to keep replacing clothes. Time for this dog to earn her keep.
I played with Bobby in his room this evening. He likes it when I play with him in his room. He wanted to spend a lot of time with this electronic device that sounds off letters of the alphabet. We had to replace the batteries twice…it sure is an energy hog!