Day #3378 (Sat., Apr. 6, 2019) – UNC Science Expo
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Take a look at the drawing did to the left. It looks quite a bit like the plush puppy don’t you think?
My wife took the kids to the science expo at UNC this morning. They have it every year. They got a chance to see some robots, and Bobby was fascinated with the “corn starch” mat. If you ran through it, no problem. If you stopped, you sank into it.
For lunch they had dumplings. Bobby had one dumpling, my wife had three, and Katie devoured about eight of them. They played with the tub of Legos for about 10 minutes after seeing everything else.
My wife didn’t bring Bobby home for a nap today. We’re still not sure if he is done naps as he will sometimes “melt down” without them.
Daddy stayed home and worked all day. I will be taking Bobby to “Touch A Truck” tomorrow and had work to do.