Day #3389 (Wed., Apr. 17, 2019) – Egg Hunt For Bobby

Bobby had an Easter Egg Hunt at preschool today. He brought home a large bag of eggs (see photo to the right). He wanted to go to Aven’s house after preschool and there was a meltdown when this was not to be.

Bobby opened his eggs when he got home. In one he got a red ring pop. I let him take this to bed. He munched on it a bit and was quickly out by 1 pm… Perhaps the egg hunt was a very exhausting exercise?

Henry and Alma, Katie’s children (the Katie who looked after Lucy), came over for dinner tonight. My wife made chicken & pasta and we ate out on the patio on the new dining room table that Jui-Lan gave us. Henry remembered when I played “rockets” with him in the front yard soon after we moved in back in 2012.

Katie and Alma were working on some sort of a “play” and asked me to put it up on our YouTube channel. If only I had time…