Day #3398 (Fri., Apr. 26, 2019) – Fallen Bike
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Bobby made some “Rainy Day” art at preschool today (see photo to the left).
Katie was riding her bike in the front yard this afternoon and slipped. She fell, and the bike as well. She’s fine but she told me that she thinks one of the brakes broke. If so, this will be the third Walmart bike in which the brakes have broken. I can’t keep returning this bike to Walmart. She doesn’t really need training wheels anymore, so perhaps she will start to use Miss Laura’s bike now?
Bobby has become addicted to my wife’s phone. It’s hard to get him off it and harder to keep him from it. It’s sad how these digital devices have become so mainstream in young people’s lives.
Katie gave Bobby and me a concert of the piano pieces she will be playing on Sunday. Like her teacher told her, it’s much harder to play and concentrate when you have an audience. I’m reminded of how Tiger Wood’s dad taught him how to play golf.
Big opening weekend for “Avengers – End Game”. Content owners rule. Sure glad I have some DIS stock.