Day #3399 (Sat., Apr. 27, 2019) – Dylan’s Birthday
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I took Katie out for Daddy/Daughter Day #79 this morning. We went to the Dollar Store to get some markers and Katie picked out a journal as her gift for the day. I got some Tootsie Roll pops, the first time Katie had one. She loved it. They weren’t serving Happy Meals as we arrived too early at McDonald’s, so we picked up two packages of butter for my wife and drove them home then went to McDonald’s closer to where we live.
At McDonald’s we came up with a screen play (see photo to the left) for the UglyDolls that we are making. We’re going to have a singing contest in which Lou loses because he fails to prepare.
Bobby lost his bike. Katie found it near the shed.
Katie went to Dylan’s birthday party at the Homestead pool this afternoon. I dropped her off and picked her up as my wife was making cookies. Katie was a bit concerned that there would be no kids to play with her as they would all be in the deep end of the pool. She’s not allowed to be in the deep end til she completes a test. In the end they let her in the deep end, she just had to use a noodle.