Day #3424 (Wed., May 22, 2019) – Fixing Bobby’s Helmet

Today is the last regular “Fish” class for Bobby.  Tomorrow is “Splash Day”, and next year he will be a “Frog”.  Where did this year go?

I fixed Bobby’s helmet while he was at preschool today.  Maple ruined it when she chewed through the buckle.  I saw a dog collar at the Dollar Store the other day that had the same buckle, so I just replaced it.  The hard part was getting to the strap so that I could attach the buckle.  I had to take the top of the helmet off.

I found a link where you can send your name up to Apollo Mars missions.

My wife took Katie to another dance recital this evening.  They were in full costume.  Unlike previous years they won’t be dressing up as various characters.  This year the theme of the show is “Prince” and his music.