Day #245 (Sun., Sept. 5, 2010) – Hard Day’s Night

7:33am – I just got up. I hear little Katie testing her vocal chords out in the living room. Going to go see what’s up…

I had to put a new doorknob on the front door this morning. Like most things in our house, it’s time for a replacement…

My wife came to see me around 11am this morning saying that she was exhausted and going to bed for a nap. Little Katie was in bed and would be asleep soon. Little Katie had other ideas…

2010-09-05 - Halloween Costume
2010-09-05 - Halloween Costume

She was making so much noise that I eventually took her out of the nursery and brought her to be with me. We had lots of fun. First she played with the remote and yelled with delight at the fitness show on tv. She had great fun playing with an empty envelope and we even sang songs for a while. When my wife woke up we realized that little Katie was not interested in sleeping so we left to run some errands.

We picked up some arts and crafts supplies this afternoon (see photo to the left). We will be making little Katie a Halloween costume this year. Any ideas on what this will be once it has all been assembled?

This has been a tough night with little Katie. She wouldn’t sleep during the day and this continued into the night. In the end my wife gave her a baby tylenol. Gradually the cries subsided…and the chipmunk was asleep.

1) That baby tylenol can do wonders when nothing else seems to work.