Day #3445 (Wed., Jun 12, 2019) – The Blues Win The Cup
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Bobby woke up in the middle of the night but slept through the night for the most part. He was up early, but he sure had a nice long sleep last night.
Katie had her CHOMPS auction at her school this morning.
Bobby wanted to get together with Arnesa and the kids this morning, but Arnesa has a doctor and dentist appointment, so it was not to be. He didn’t want to go to the Dollar Store (surprise), or Chick-Fil-A either. What he wanted to do was go back to the Science Museum in Durham and this time play in the sandbox, so off we went…
Bobby was in a more “watch and see” mood today. We played in the sandbox a bit, then in the treehouses, but he watched other kids more than play himself.
I asked Bobby what he wanted to do and he said “I am going to sit here and eat this orange. Then I am going to go back and play on that tree house. And on the way home, we are going to go to McDonald’s so you can buy me a caramel sundae. That’s exactly what we did…
This evening Alma, Henry and their mom Katie came over for dinner. Alma is going to have a playdate with Katie next week. Bobby loves to hang out with Henry.
Tonight was game #7 of the NHL finals. The Boston Bruins vs. the St. Louis Blues… The Blues won! (see photo to the right).