Day #247 (Tue., Sept. 7, 2010) – Teething Season
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Little Katie is continuing her fussy ways. We’ll all be glad when “teething season” is over. I got the following series of emails from my wife today.

Little Katie was so fussy today that she only wanted a bit of yogurt…a new taste for her. She started to make that “sour puss” face when she doesn’t want more… The photo to the right shows “Homemade Chicken Baby Food”…ready for freezing…
Katie is still up!!! Unbelievable. I gave her Tylenol – no luck. I just put her into the swing – like a newborn!!!
Hopefully she will fall asleep in a swing – she’s been up since 2 pm! And it’s 6:30…
At least she is not crying – whined a few times, but not as bad as it was before…
I told my wife that I can take little Katie for a drive when I get home if she thinks that will help. Little Katie didn’t wait that long. She was so exhausted that she couldn’t stay awake any longer…
1) Little Katie is very fussy when she is teething.