Day #3457 (Mon., Jun 24, 2019) – Carolina Beach

We got away a bit later than we had hoped, but we did manage to get away in the AM. Maple had to go to the bathroom just before we hit Wade Avenue, so we had to have a bit of a detour.

We stopped off at the McDonald’s on the way to Carolina Beach. The one that has the play area. The kids ate inside, and had a bit of a play, while my wife walked the dog.

We decided to stop off at Food Lion to get some yogurt for Bobby so that he would go for a nap, but there was a bit more drama than we had anticipated. My wife lost her phone somewhere. We went through Food Lion, but could not find it…

When we got home there was a bit of a problem getting into the house. The key is inside a box and it was a trick to get it to open, but I eventually managed to with the “two turns to the right, one to the left” magic…

We unpacked everything in the car. The kids enjoyed the bunk beds (see photo to the right). Once Dzenen and Arnesa arrived we left the kids with them and tried to retrace where it could be. We even went out to the “Circle K” service station 60 miles before Carolina Beach where my wife walked the dog. No luck…

On the way back we decided that we would stop off at Food Lion one more time and try to retrace our steps. My wife said that first thing she did was go and get me some beer, and on the way to the beer area we passed the watermelon containers that she remembered she looked at. Could her phone have fallen inside? Just as I asked her that question I noticed that there was a message on my phone. It was the Food Lion, the one that we were at. The message said that they found her phone inside the watermelon containers. What timing… Everyone’s happy…. It would have been rough to have to pay for another phone during vacation…