Day #3458 (Tue., Jun 25, 2019) – To The Beach

This morning Bobby brought the transistor radio that was on the shelf to me and asked me what it was. I explained it to him. He tried to speak to it like he does his walkie-talkies at home and I explained it was not like that. Low and behold, when my back was turned, didn’t he snap the aerial in two. That boy is so destructive…

My wife and I took the kids to the aquarium this morning. Arnesa, Dzenen, and Ayra went to the beach. Not long after we got to the aquarium Bobby was looking a little “off”. He threw up on the floor outside the alligator cage and we went home so he could rest. Just before he threw up he asked to go home and sleep. I stayed with Bobby and Maple watched over him (see photo to the right) while my wife drove Katie back to the aquarium. Katie actually enjoyed the aquarium this time as she had plenty of time to visit each exhibit without an annoying little brother bothering her.

This evening we all went to the beach for the first time. Katie was a bit scared of the waves at first, but eventually learned to roll with them and in the end actually really liked the experience. So much so that it was hard to get her out of the water. Bobby was feeling much better after his nap so he was able to go with us as well.

Mary left a “Troll” movie at the “Green House” so the kids have been enjoying that.