Day #3463 (Sun., Jun 30, 2019) – Card To Miss Fleming


Today is the first full day back from the beach vacation. Nice to be back to our own beds, our own belongings, and our regular lifestyle.

I guess that Bobby told my wife that I said he could go over to Guenther’s place this morning. How will we teach this boy to tell the truth?

Bobby was playing with some of his battery operated cars this morning. Katie managed to open the battery compartments with a screwdriver, replace the batteries, all by herself…without asking. This is the first time that she’s ever done that.

Katie is sending a card to Miss Fleming, her 3rd-grade teacher, who is in Buffalo for the summer (see photo to the left).

Bobby came into the bedroom this evening and asked to watch the television. Katie came in with a message from my wife. He was not to watch the television as she asked him not to bother me. I kicked him out…and he was not too happy about that. He has to learn how to follow instructions.