Day #3480 (Wed., Jul 17, 2019) – Life & Science Museum

The photo at the right shows the poor Power Ranger that Tara gave Bobby for his birthday (after Maple got ahold of it and chewed off the sword).

My wife took today off work today as I had a dentist appointment at 9:30 am (no cavities). She took the kids to the Life & Sciences Museum in Durham where she met Arnesa and Ayra. Bobby told me that he enjoyed seeing the rocket. I guess that Katie was very uncomfortable as she didn’t have socks on and her shoes were scraping her feet.

On the way home from the dentist I got a dozen cans of cat food and some more peaches for Katie (she practically finished off the whole box that I got a few days ago).

This evening we all went to the Clark Pool in Carrboro for a swim. Arnesa and Ayra joined us. Ayra is taking after Katie and Bobby’s lead and is already swimming. I had a nice long swim in the deep end of the pool.

Today was nice as the thunder and lightning did not arrive til 8 pm…long after the pool had closed.