Day #3508 (Wed., Aug. 14, 2019) – Lego Twister

When I got up Katie was at the computer and there was no sign of Bobby. Katie went looking for him and he was at Guenthers. This time he hid when she came near. I tried to tell him that I would have had to call the police if we could not locate him and he just shrugged it off. More punishment for Bobby coming…

It was rainy and miserable outside today so we decided that we would not go to the pool. We stayed home and played various games and such. I showed Katie how to play 12-bar blues on the piano. I made some cinnamon buns that I picked up at Trader Joe’s last night (see photo to the right). We even made a game of Twister out of Lego blocks.

This evening we went to the Clark pool. The lifeguards were so busy talking that they didn’t look at the deep end of the pool for five minutes. So much for safety… There was thunder and lightning not too long after we arrived so so much for that.