Day #3512 (Sun., Aug. 18, 2019) – Dinosaur Mud Cakes

Alma was over at our house for most of the morning as a result of staying here last night.  Bobby is a bit upset that he is not being included in all the activities.

I played in the front of our house with Bobby this afternoon.  He was building a little area for snails, and made a mud cake to feed the dinosaurs when they come.  He showed me that the dinosaurs hang out in the sandbox area.

The photo to the right shows some of the glow sticks that I picked up at the Dollar Store.  Much cheaper than the glow sticks that they sell at Disney for the nighttime events.

I gave the kids a TJ’s frozen yogurt pop this evening.  Katie loved it, but Bobby returned it.  This is not the first time that he has rejected ice cream.

Katie and Alma were up late last night talking, so we made sure to put her to bed early tonight.  We don’t want an exhausted kid at Disney World.  We want the kids to get the most of the experience.