Day #3525 (Sat., Aug. 31, 2019) – Save The Planet Video
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I started to create the “Save The Planet” video in earnest today. Katie and Bobby both did segments in front of the green screen. The hard part is actually what is to come…editing the video.
The kids had a play date with Murren & Owen in the morning.
My wife took the kids to a pool party at “Ana Lucia’s” after Bobby woke up from his nap.
Arnesa’s babe is due in a few weeks. My wife said that she got a kick out of me calling Maple “Slobodog Molosovich”.
We were talking to Katie this evening and she said that she doesn’t hear her Chinese teacher as she talks so softly. That poses a problem with her learning Chinese.
I went shopping this evening. Got Spooky Cat Peeps (see photo to the left) and some tilapia at Harris Teeter.