Day #3530 (Thu., Sept. 5, 2019) – Adjusting For Dorian
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Bobby’s preschool was on a delayed opening this morning due to Hurricane Dorian. I dropped him off at 9 am and came back to pick him up at 11 am. He played with the Batman cave with Frankie (see photo to the left). He says that Frankie and Connor are his two best buddies.
I started to create the video “How To Draw A Castle” for YouTube. I did some green screen with Katie and Bobby, now to edit it…which is the hardest part.
I took Katie to Trader Joe’s with me this afternoon to get milk and supplies in preparation for Hurricane Dorian. I got her a bag of “penguin gummies” for putting up with Bobby’s antics (which can be a handful at times).
I took the Camry to get an oil chance this afternoon. As it turns out I needed to get two new tires as well.
We got another “lunch bunch” day. We now have “lunch bunch” from Monday to Thursday. I will have to pick Bobby up at noon on Fridays. My wife might talk to Mary on Monday and see if we can get Friday as well.