Day #3551 (Thu., Sept. 26, 2019) – Best Friend Graham
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Bobby was up before I was this morning. He was even up when my wife took Katie to school and dressed for school and ready to go for the day. Well, Bobby woke me up around 8:15 am. He was in bed, with his pj’s on, crying for his mother. Later in the day I asked him why he put his pj’s back on and went back to bed. He replied “Because I wanted to”.
I dropped Bobby off at preschool today. No dramas. I then picked him up afterwards. Gavin didn’t stay behind to play behind the school so no drams there either. I met Graham, the boy that Bobby says is his best friend, along with his mother Sarah. Apparently Graham is a bit more timid than Bobby so we’ll have to make sure that Bobby doesn’t overwhelm him with his personality. I also learned that Graham is allergic to cheese.
After dropping Bobby off at school I rumaged around in the basement looking for my computer science degree. I managed to find a copy of that laong with my other TN visa documents in a filing cabinet.
Bobby went to the fridge and got a handfull of gummy vitamins today. I gave him a talking on how they were not candy. His mother did later in the day too.
Katie told me that one of her teachers took her aside to mention that Murren was complaining about her. According to Katie, Murren seems to “cop an attitude” quite a bit which causes the problems.
I got my document from the AICPA regarding retirement options today.
Katie got a new ballet dress today. She outgrew the old one.