Day #3553 (Sat., Sept. 28, 2019) – New Bike For Bobby

My wife took the kids to a consignment sale this morning. Katie got an animal play set. Bobby got a couple of swords, a gun (no darts), and a new bike.

This afternoon my wife took Katie to Chinese class. I was napping when Bobby came into my room. He woke up from his nap, went outside to ride his new bike, and came into my room crying. Apparently the bike he got this morning had loose training wheels and he fell off.

This evening my wife took Katie and Helen to a Chinese festival at UNC. I dropped them off due to the lack of parking and then drove Bobby home (Susan will pick them up). I fixed the training wheels on Bobby’s bike and transferred the bell from his old bike as we enjoyed some Pixy Sticks in the front yard (see photo to the right). We played with his new swords for a bit, built a “Play Doh Rocket”, and then watched a bit of Masked Magician. By then, the girls came home.