Day #3555 (Mon., Sept. 30, 2019) – Max’s Eye

Well, more drama after preschool today.  Gavin threw a rock at another student, Max, and hit him just below the eye.  He went running to his mother who scooped him up and rushed off.  She did not look happy in the least.

Gavin’s mother then yelled out his name and went to get him.  Apparently he left his water bottle on the picnic table I was sitting at, so she came and got it and said “Off to the car again”…like this is not a regular event.

As I was leaving for home I happened to see Max’ mom carrying him around the parking lot.  She was consoling him and after looking at his eye I can see why.  He had a bloody section about the half the size of his eyeball just below his left eye.  Ouch!  He could have easily lost his eye if the rock was only a bit higher.  Another car was coming so I told her that my wife would probably want to talk to her and left the parking lot…taking Bobby home.

Well, my wife did call her up this evening.  She told my wife that she went inside the school to get an ice pack for Max and happened to see Mary.  Mary, reiterated that she could do nothing as it was after school hours.  Max’s mom told my wife that Gavin even hit her at one point in the past.

I’m in the process of trying to organize some parents to go to another park in the area after preschool.  We want the kids to play, but don’t want Gavin and his sticks and stones to be anywhere in the vicinity.

Oh, and my wife took Katie to dance class this evening as well…

I put up a video of “Spirit Halloween 2019” later in the evening (see photo to the right) just before bed.