Day #3572 (Thu., Oct. 17, 2019) – Stomach Virus

Bobby woke me up this morning by throwing a piece of paper onto the bed and asking if I could help him make a paper airplane.

The photo to the left shows Bobby’s new Spiderman backpack. Frankie is dressing up as Spiderman this year so Frankie will be excited to see it…

Frankie and a few other kids at Bobby’s preschool are sick today. Frankie in particular has a stomach virus and has been vomiting all morning. Bobby seems fine, so off to school he went. It will take quite a lot of sickness for Bobby to miss school as he likes it so much.

My wife got a screening appointment for Katie at UNC on December 11th. We will find out on the same day if they will accept her into the program, where students work on patient’s teeth. They are supervised by experienced dentists and it comes with a considerable discount. The initial consult is $40. One of her teeth is going crooked into the others and they think if they remove some of her baby teeth it will fix the problem.

If at some point Katie needs braces they charge $3500. The average cost of braces elsewhere is somewhere between $5,000 and $10,000.