Day #3580 (Fri., Oct. 25, 2019) – Delaney Accuses Katie
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At school today Delaney fell down in the bathroom and accused Katie of pushing her. I guess that Katie was crying and the teacher repremanded Delaney. The teacher knew who the real culpret was…
Katie ate a whole Sam’s Club pizza and asked for more. Is she getting a teenager’s appetite?
Bobby came home from Guenther’s naked this afternoon. Apparently they were running back and forth in the sprinklers with their clothes off. Boys will be boys.
I got Bobby a yellow ATV vehicle from the Dollar Store this evening. They go down the blue race track so nicely.
I also got some organic popcorn at Trader Joe’s (see photo to the left). Katie wanted to get some at the fair but this version is so much more healthy.