Day #3584 (Tue., Oct. 29, 2019) – Echo Dot Arrives

I dropped Bobby off at school this morning and picked him up at 1 pm after lunch bunch ended. This is Tuesday, so both Frankie and Graham played with Bobby behind the school. There was a bit of drama in that Frankie pushed Bobby down. He was fine, but when he ran off to the parking lot as we were about to leave Graham ran after him. He was worried that Bobby was hurt. He’s a very sensitive child and cares deeply for others. Frankie, well, you never know which Frankie is going to show up…

My wife is going to a business trip to Bethesda in February so I will be taking care of the kids by myself for a couple of days.

We got our Echo Dot with Alexa this evening (see photo to the left). Katie was especially eager for it to come. We had lots of fun giving it serious and stupid commands this evening. It’s amazing all the things that it will do. We got it on special for only $0.01 … (with a month service of Audible for $9.00). We will cancel the Audible close to the end of the month. Quite the little toy for only $0.01…