Day #3587 (Fri., Nov. 1, 2019) – Sleepover Prep
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The photo to the left shows one of the houses in our neighborhood that the kids visited last night. The “Huge” pumpkin cost them $75, and they spent all morning carving it!
Bobby wanted to take his red Power Ranger mask to school today since he was not allowed to take it to school yesterday. Today is “Letter C” day. The kids are only allowed to bring things that start with the letter C to show and share. I should have told him to say “costume mask” if the teacher asked what it was…
No lunch bunch today. It was hard to get Bobby home. He wanted to play behind the school, but unfortunately Friday is a day that Gavin is there. When I got him home I gave him some Paw Patrol tattoos, but he didn’t seem to be too interested in them.
Natasha’s birthday is tomorrow and Katie will be going over to her place for a sleepover. This is the first sleepover she has ever been too, so she’s kind of scared and excited at the same time. I told her that she will have a blast. Lots of talking and laughing and giggling as Natasha’s mom tries to get them to calm down and go to sleep. She made a nice birthday card for Natasha this evening.