Day #3594 (Fri., Nov. 8, 2019) – No Problem Picking Bobby Up

It turned cold last night. Looks like winter is here…

No lunch bunch. Surprisingly there was no problem picking Bobby up from school. He even yelled back to Graham that he couldn’t play behind the school today. You never know which Bobby you are going to pick up sometimes.

Well, we went to the Dollar Store for more lollipops. Bobby wanted some bubble gum, so we got a package of that as well. It was hard for him to pick out a toy this time. I’m not sure why the Dollar Store does not have a greater variety. It seems that they have the same ole’ toys day after day after day… In the end he chose a blue car (see photo to the right).

Just after I put Bobby to sleep for his nap my wife called. She was running late so I picked up Katie at the bus stop and drove her home. She told me that she had chicken nuggets today for lunch at the school cafeteria.

Katie put a list on the bulletin board on her bedroom wall. It’s her wish list for Christmas. Hard to believe that it’s that time again…