Day #3603 (Sun., Nov. 17, 2019) – Cherokee Indians

There was a birthday party for Katie this morning at Lucy’s place. Lucy is one of Katie’s classmates.

After the birthday party Katie went to another classmates house to work on a school project about the Cherokee Indians. They made corn bread, one of the foods that the Cherokees ate. They plan to take it to school tomorrow for the other kids to enjoy.

The kids really love Alexa for the music option. They will say a song and Alexa goes and plays it.

I went to Trader Joe’s this evening. They have organic dog treats now (of all things). I had to get some for Maple.

The house down the street is getting ready for Christmas (see photo to the left).

Bobby loves to take a tennis ball under a blanket on the floor and yell Maple. Maple will try to peel away the blanket and get the ball while Bobby giggles and giggles.