Day #3611 (Mon., Nov. 25, 2019) – No More Naps?

My wife is off work all week. She dropped Bobby off at school and I picked him up at 1 pm as she had to go to Chinese class.

Just before I picked him up I stopped off at Trader Joe’s to get a turkey as they tend to sell out. Well, the place was packed. I had to park at the opposite end of the parking lot, near the nail salon. Everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving. I did manage to get a turkey, and a few other staples, and dropped it off at home before rushing to school to pick up Bobby.

The photo to the right shows the “Firetruck Art” that Bobby created in school today.

Since Bobby slept in til about 8:30 am this morning we decided to not make him nap. Are his naps over? After school I took him to Wilson Park where Graham and his mom joined us. We were there for quite a while, till about 2:30 pm, when I took him home. My wife took him to dance class with Katie later this afternoon.

Well, we have a problem with Delaney again. Apparently Katie called her a bully, which she is, and Delaney reported it. Now Katie is in trouble. When are they going to deal with this Delaney. I never hear any good about her, only bad. She is learning the tools for pushing people and pushing people till they say something to get them in trouble. And she gets away with it. My wife and I are strategizing on what to do next.