Day #3617 (Sun., Dec. 1, 2019) – Bobby Bites Mommy’s Finger

The photo to the left shows Bobby swimming underwater at the Hillsborough pool yesterday.

My wife was planning to put the kids into the tub this morning when Arnesa called and asked if the kids wanted to come over for a play date this morning. My wife dropped them off and they were there for about three hours.

I guess that Bobby played with Ayra for most of the morning so Arnesa didn’t really see much of them. Katie helped Arnesa out with her new son Onsa. I guess at one point his arm got tangled and stuck and Katie was afraid that she hurt him. Arnesa said that she wasn’t worried about Onsa or Dzenen, but Katie since she was worried that she had hurt him.

I went to Trader Joe’s tonight for supplies. We still have a lot of food left over from Thanksgiving, but we needed milk and yogurt and a few other things. The kids have taken a real hankering for potato chips as of late. I did get to talk to Grant for a few minutes about the RadioFlash movie. His son is one of the actors in it.

When my wife announced that it was bedtime this evening Bobby bit her. She’s going to have to consider wearing one of those outfits that they train attack dogs with.