Day #3619 (Tue., Dec. 3, 2019) – TJ’s Advent Calendars
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Katie cleaned her room (see photo to the right).
I got two Christmas Advent calendars for the kids and one for Maple. Maple’s was MUCH more expensive!
We ordered a “Robot Crab” for Katie for Christmas. One present we will be giving Bobby is the two race car tracks I picked up at Walmart during the summer. They were on sale so I got a great deal. They were to be birthday presents for his friends but he doesn’t get invited to birthdays.
My wife went to a meeting at Glenwood this evening. It was about what to do regarding a Chinese math teacher for grade 4 students. They decided to combine grade 4 and grade 5 Chinese classes somewhat, so now Katie will get access to an actual Chinese math teacher as opposed to just substitutes. Great for Katie. Not so great for grade 5 students.