Day #3627 (Wed., Dec. 11, 2019) – Daddy/Son Day
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Since we still don’t have my Camry back I took the van and dropped Katie and my wife off at UNC for Katie’s dentist appointment. I then took Bobby to preschool. My wife is taking Katie to UNC for an evaluation to see if their dentist can work on her teeth and we get a nice discount.
After dropping Bobby off I went back to pick up my wife and Katie at 10 am. I then dropped my wife off at work and drove Katie to Glenwood.
Katie needs to get her baby teeth taken out as they are interfering with how her adult teeth are coming in. We got accepted to the UNC dental program to take care of this for us.
There is no lunch bunch today so I picked Bobby up at noon. We ended up at the Dollar Store where Bobby picked up a red Power Ranger “type” doll (see photo to the right). There was not enough time to go to McDonald’s as I had to pick my wife up so we could get my Camry.
I picked up my wife and we drove to Lloyd’s Tire and I finally have my Camry back. We got 1/2 the way to McDonald’s when Bobby said he just wanted to go home. He was tired… So, we went home. He had some yogurt and then off to bed with his new red Power Ranger “type” doll.
This evening Bobby was all over the gym mats that my wife got from the attick last night. I showed him how to jump off the ottoman into a stack of two of them.