Day #255 (Wed., Sept. 15, 2010) – Plastic Belt Insert

I was playing with little Katie on the bed this evening. She has three special toys that she enjoys while she is on the bed with me. They are: (1) the remote control, (2) a black marker, and (3) a yellow marker. She likes to watch the infrared light go on and off on the remote depending on what buttons she pushes. She likes to bang the two markers together and then put them into her mouth.

2010-09-15 - On The Move
2010-09-15 - On The Move

Little Katie finished her second package of buckwheat today.

We used to leave the gate to the playyard open, but we have started to close and lock it at all times. Why? Take a look at the photo to the right. As our little chipmunk grows she is able to move around more…and much more quickly I might add. One she’s “out of the gate” so to speak she will gravitate to anything that appears interesting at the time. In this case, it was a box of toys near the entrance…

I introduced another toy to little Katie this evening. The plastic piece of a new belt that I bought. As she was playing with it I opened and closed my mouth. When I opened my mouth she put the plastic into it. When I closed my mouth on it she proceeded to grab it back. She did this about three times. I didn’t think that she had grown up to this stage just yet.

1) Little Katie finished her second package of buckwheat today.