Day #3633 (Tue., Dec. 17, 2019) – Dollar Store Author Kit
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My wife was not feeling well so I took Katie to Glenwood this morning. I told her that I had a present for her after school, but I didn’t tell her that it was an author kit that I picked up at the Dollar Store the other day (see photo to the left). It helps you develop your writing abilities.
I told Katie that if she wanted to work on a short story during her Christmas break we could have it up on Kindle before her birthday.
My wife took Bobby to school and picked him up. It was raining cats & dogs.
We are back into the “no diaper” business as far as Bobby is concerned. He slept last night and for his nap today with no accidents. Katie didn’t mind wearing a diaper till she was older, in fact she wanted to just in case of accidents. Bobby, with his “energetic” personality, is in a big hurry to wake up.
This evening, for the “4th Day of Christmas”, I gave the kids a “bank kit” where you paint your own bank. I gave Katie a dog and Bobby a car. I was surprised that Bobby was upset that he got a car and not a dog. I think he did like his car actually, he was just rather “fussy” as he had just gotten up from his nap.