Day #3635 (Thu., Dec. 19, 2019) – Sixth Day Of Christmas
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When I dropped Bobby off at preschool this morning his teacher gave me the little note shown to the left. Apparently Bobby mentioned that this is what he wanted for Christmas. I didn’t know that. I talked to my wife and she ordered it from Walmart. Apparently Graham has been talking to Bobby about it.
Alex came to spray this morning. He started the quarterly treament plan as well.
I went to the Dollar Store and got the blue Power Ranger Bobby wanted. I didn’t want to risk it running out during the Christmas rush. I also got a car and motorcycle set where you assemble them via screwdriver. For only $1. I remember when Omar was here we got him and Bobby a set. I think they were $14 each back then.
Today is the 6th day of Christmas. I gave the kids a little Dollar Store football game where you try to fling little pieces between the goal posts.
Bobby and Katie love to play on the exercise mats.
Katie got new shoes that have lights on them.