Day #3650 (Fri., Jan. 3, 2020) – Book About Katie
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Last night I gave one of the pineapple juice to Bobby that my wife was saving for a recipe so I had to go get more at Trader Joe’s this morning. While I was out I picked up two black tablecloths and two purple tablecloths for Katie’s Birthday Party. I also picked up a book about “Poppy The Parrot” at the local florist. It stars Katie (see photo to the left). It was written by Katie and Bobby’s swim teacher Miss Barbara.
Arnesa took Bobby to the Science Museum in Durham this morning. SHe offered to take Katie as well but Katie wanted to stay at home and help her mom get ready for her birthday party tomorrow.
Laura, who used to work for my wife, came for a visit this afternoon. She got a new job that pays $140,000+ a year and drove her new Porche into the driveway.
Lots of prep today and tonight… Katie turns 10 tomorrow!