Day #3670 (Thu., Jan. 23, 2020) – Balloon Helicopters
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Katie went to school with her new braces today. She was excited and proud to show them off.
This evening Katie showed me some of the poems she has written. I’ve got to start pushing her to get her to finish her short story so that we can get that up on Kindle.
We’ve been going back and forth but it looks like there will be no school for Bobby tomorrow.
Like most kids these days, unfortunately, our kids are addicted to phones and screens. You can notice the addiction once you take them away…total meltdown. In trying to find something else for them to do I opened up a package of “Balloon Helicopters” (see photo to the right). I picked them up a long while ago at the Dollar Store and my wife found them as she was cleaning up the laundry room.
This evening the kids and I watched various YouTube vidoes on “Illusions”. Some were spectacular…you wonder how they are done.